Our House is Sold!

Hey there silly fans! Today I wanted to make a quick announcement post. And, I have to admit this post comes with some mixed news.

So, first and foremost, we closed on our home in St. Pete today. That’s why this post includes a picture of us in front of our favorite feature of the house -that beautiful fireplace.

Of course, for Victoria this is a mixed time because we are moving out of St. Pete. And, if I’m perfectly honest, I have some feelings about that too. Sure, we’ve already moved into our new home, but now that this one is officially sold, it puts a certain finality to things.

Still, the mixed news is that I (that’s me, Joseph) also received news just last week that I was being laid off of work. So, to say I’m anxious about the future would be an understatement.

Where Do We Go Next?

While I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was worried, I’m not going to let it dampen the holidays. Fortunately my skillset in data science is always marketable, so I’m sure I’ll be back on the employed bandwagon. For now, I’m just grateful we got to close on our new home before I lost my job. I know God has placed us where we need to be and our homesteading journey can commence (even if it’s delayed while I spend all my time looking for a job).

So, I suppose if you know anyone hiring a fully remote data science professional, please hit me up (and check out my personal website for my professional details).

Anyways, I wanted to just make this brief update. So, thanks for reading and we’ll see you around the homestead!