October 2021 – Homestead Update

It’s been a spooky month here on the homestead, and we’re not just talking about Joseph’s face this time. As many of you know, Halloween is one of our favorite holidays (especially Victoria’s). And while we didn’t quite go all out this year, we are starting to enjoy the space we have. By next year, we’re hoping to throw the Halloween party to end all parties. Then again, who knows what crazy world event might subvert that plan?

Regardless, October has been an exciting month, and not just due to Halloween. In fact, we’re happy to say our new super-deluxe, awesomely creative, spacious chicken run and coop were completed this month!

Completing the New Backyard Chicken Home

It took a solid month to get it done, but after tireless effort and some assistance from family and friends, we’ve completed the construction of our new chicken home. This spacious run and elevated coop are sure to serve our flock well. And, even conservatively speaking, the new area can easily accommodate another dozen chickens should we decide we need more eggs. The best part is, the transition from the old coop to new one went without a hitch. Joseph is super happy to be done with this project.

Halloween on the Homestead

Of course, we couldn’t post in October without talking about Halloween. We definitely did our best to decorate and discovered we need more decorations for next year! We also debated on having a Halloween party, but with everything going on in the world, we decided it was best to avoid that this year. Still, it’s been a fun time around the property and the weather has been pleasant for the most far.

On top of that, we’re seeing some color return to the trees, with leaves falling out and turning different shades of yellow, orange, and red. Being from St. Pete and living their our whole lives, it’s fun to see that we have some semblance of seasons up here. This has made October a great month and we’re looking forward to the upcoming winter.

The Flood Waters Subside

As we mentioned last month, we first looked at this property in September 2020 and there were no signs of flooding anywhere around the property. As we hit the end of October, we have some mixed feelings. There is still some flooding in the very back of the property, but its subsided just about everywhere else. This does give us hope however.

If, as we suspect, this is an unusually wet year, our hope is that we may not get nearly as much flooding in future years on the homestead. But, even if not, we’re confident that flooding should subside fully before the end of the year. Having waterfront property a few months out of the year isn’t so bad, is it?

So, as we plan for future years on the homestead, we’re ready to deal with whatever nature sends our way. Until next time, we’ll see you around the homestead.