New Posting Schedule – And Other Updates

Good evening and welcome to another Wednesday blog post with your favorite bloggers -The Silly Couple. Today, we have some announcements to make. Namely, around our posting cadence. We’ve done a lot of talking lately about it, and we want to start sharing more about how we’re doing things here on the homestead. We also want to ensure we’re sharing as many timely updates as possible. So, we’re going to increase our cadence from just posting Wednesdays and start bringing Friday to the table.

Moving to Twice a Week

That’s right! You heard it here first folks. We’ve decided that, while it will require a bit more time and planning, we really want to start producing more content. Posting once a week has worked great throughout the first quarter of 2022. But, we realize a lot of content is more news-oriented and less “how-to” posts. As we work to share our efforts, we don’t want to leave them shrouded in mystery.

So, rather than trying to cram in longer blog posts every Wednesday, we’re going to try to keep things organized and split them out into twice a week. Right now, the overall theme will remain the same: posts about what we’re doing intermixed with how we’re doing things. But, as time goes on, we want to try to tailor this to what our readers want. And, we want to make a set theme for each day -we’re just not sure what that theme is yet.

What Would You Like to See?

What better way to kick off the new posting cadence than asking: what would you like to see? Do you just want cute photos of our animals? Want backyard chicken care tips? Interested in more information on how we’re raising Nigerian dwarf goats? Want overall homesteading strategies? If you have something you want to know or questions you want answered, let us know in the comments below!

Getting Started with Your Homestead

See, while we are happy this blog allows our friends and family to keep up with our homesteading endeavors, that’s not the main purpose. As you’ll likely recall, we’re a couple of city folks who ditched the hustle and bustle of rapidly-growing St. Pete to set up a homestead in the largely unheard of Gilchrist county -Joseph always just tells people we’re in a town outside Gainesville (even though it’s about 45 minutes away). And, we want more people to take the plunge.

In other words, the primary purpose of this is to help equip you with the knowledge you need to escape the congestion of the city and start your own homesteading journey. You don’t need 100 acres, or even 20 -we’re just starting with 5. Thanks to a post-pandemic world, we can both continue working jobs while we build out our homestead one step at a time. If that sounds like something you want to get in on, make sure to subscribe for our blogs on every Wednesday and Friday and let us know how we can help you plan your escape.

Until next time, we’ll see you around the homestead.