August 2021 – Homestead Update

Another month has gone by. And, while we continue to work on supplying the house with all the things we need, we’ve made little progress no the homesteading front. We can’t take all the credit for it this time, as our first piece of news is that we’ve encountered even more flooding!

More Flooding Around the Homestead

As we mentioned last month, there has been some record rain in the area. With all the major rivers flooding around us, it seems our land is ties close to these same water tables. And, even more of our land has been taken over by flood waters.

Right now, all we can do is wait and see if it gets any worse. But, we’re keeping our spirits high for two reasons. First, we’re hopeful this is really an anomalous year. Second, even if we find this type of behavior persists, we know what we’re in for next year and can plan accordingly.

See, part of our planting plans involved a raised bed that is now under water. So, we know next year not to plan for that spot. If we do get just as much flooding, we also know we still have about 2-3 acres that are above water. With some careful planning, we can dredge some spots of the yard and build some retaining walls in the right place. Give us a couple more years here, and we’ll know what to expect and we’ll be ready for it all.

Jadzia is Getting Big

On more positive news, our Great Pyrenees Jadzia is really learning what it takes to be a livestock guardian dog. She is getting along great with the chickens and sounding the alarm when necessary. Not only that, but she is also getting much more obiedient. Sure, she is still a puppy, which means she likes to chew and she likes to jump. But, she’s getting better on the leash and just better overall in terms of listening to our commands. When we do eventually get goats, we know she’ll love to have some new friends.

The Return of TK – The Outdoor Cat

Though we may not have talked about him before, the previous owners of this property rescued a cat, TK. It’s a great story, and though he has a gimpy leg and a shy personality, he always comes around for food and is not afraid to hang out with The Silly Couple. However, he disappeared for nearly two full weeks during August as the flooding hit its peak.

We were worried, but our hope was that he was just held up due to flood waters. When he did finally show back up, we were relieved to see him return. And, he seems just as healthy and friendly as ever!

Anyways, that’s all the news we have for August. Until next month, we’ll see you around the homestead.