Exploring the Area

Since we don’t yet have any solid content around homesteading, I’m here again to post something else. We paid a visit this weekend to Chiefland and checked out the Flea Market there. And, we were quite impressed. While I’ll leave it up to Victoria to share any specifics of what we got, I wanted to share some general impressions that we’ve gotten so far over the couple months we’ve lived up here.

Getting Used to Country Driving

One of the biggest joys of living here is the driving. Sure, things are much farther than we’re used to, but traffic is virtually non-existent. Being able to just cruise along at 60 mph and enjoy the scenery brings the fun back into driving. And, if I’m being truthful with myself, I needed to get away from the stress of city driving. With that said, we’re only about 10 minutes from town, so we can still get any essentials relatively quickly. All that to say -I’m thoroughly enjoying the change of pace.

Chiefland and its Flea Market

As I mentioned above, one of the places we’ve visited is the Chiefland Flea Market. Chiefland in general seems like a place we’ll be heading to on the regular. It’s only 20 minutes away and offers Tractor Supply, Walmart (not our favorite place, but convenient), the flea market, and an assortment of your usual city amenities. The Flea Market itself was well worth the visit.

They have a wide range of vendors and some great deals to be had. So, anyone in the area should definitely check it out. I’ll be picking up some tools there for sure as I identify needs along the homesteading journey. And, Victoria is sure to find all sorts of “treasures” there as well.

Appreciating the Breathing Room

At this point, I still haven’t started a new job, but I have had my share of interviews and some hopeful options. With that said, I’ve spent more time indoors, on my computer than I’d like. It really feels like I’m working harder looking for a job than I would actually spend working. Despite this, it has been a real blessing to live where we live. Walking around the property each morning, taking in the fresh air and the sounds of nature is the best therapy anyone could ask for.

Hopefully over the next few months we’ll start having some more homesteading-focused news to share. But for now, thanks for tuning in. We’ll see you around the homestead.