July 2021 – Homestead Update

Another month has gone by and summer is really in full swing now. Between the oppressive heat and the non-stop rain, we haven’t gotten much done outside. In fact, we’re feeling like we might never make any progress at times. But, we know this is simply not true.

As the Silly Couple, we face a lot of adversity. People think it’s easy, but it’s not. I mean, this post right now has no direction. How are we supposed to recover from that? Well, I guess we’ll start with the biggest news.

The Great Flood of 2021

This area has experienced an unprecedented amount of rain this year. Hardly a day went by this month when we didn’t receive a notification from Alexa telling us about flood warnings in the area. And, our property was far from immune from this.

See, when we got the property, we were well aware that the back part of it was in a flood zone. But, accordingly to what we were told, that area only actually flooded once in the last 15 years. We’re hoping that’s true. For now, however, we have much more than just flooding in the back of the property (the part that we expect could flood in heavy rain situations). Instead, we have a good chunk of one side flooded as well as some water pooling at the front.

Out of the 5.5 acres, we probably have 1-2 acres under water right now. And, while we can work with that, it’s not what we expected. So, we’re hoping this is an unusual year in that department.

Our First Chicken Egg

On the good news front…we got our first egg! The joy of being able to bring in an actual egg laid by one of our chickens is amazing. We raised these little birds from babies to become productive members of the homestead. And, it’s fitting that Eleanor is the first chicken to lay an egg. She was always the most friendly of the bunch. We’re definitely looking forward to eating this beautiful blue egg.

Of course, going into the next couple of weeks, we expect all our hens will start laying eggs of their own. Let’s see how long before we hit 5 eggs a day!

Victoria’s Micanopy Adventure!

Beyond just homesteading activities, we’re trying to get out and better learn the surrounding areas. One of those areas is Micanopy, which has some beautiful areas. Among those areas, Victoria had the opportunity to explore some antique shops and learn more about downtown Micanopy this month. She brought home some neat goodies to add to her collection of treasures to, so that’s always fun.

Hopefully next month we’ll have more exciting news to share. Until then, we’ll see you around the homestead.