Let’s Celebrate Our Anniversary

If it’s your first time here, you chose the right time to read one of our blogs. Today is our sixth wedding anniversary! When we doubled it up on 4/8/16, we knew that we were in for many fun years together and countless great memories. The world we live in today is not the same as it was six years ago. And, through the roller coaster of time, we’re happy to look forward to another awesome year as a homesteading couple here in Florida.

Since we are dedicated to this homesteading lifestyle, that means we won’t be celebrating with any grand vacation or even a big night out. Instead, we’re ready to spend the evening with a nice glass of wine, some homemade fettuccini alfredo, and a nice horror movie. And, after we take care of the animals tomorrow morning, we intend to take a brief trip over to St. Augustine to check out a few sights -Victoria has never been there before!

Who Are We Really?

You probably already know us if you’re here. Or, maybe this is your first time visiting the blog. In either case, whether you think you know us or not, let’s really express who we are to one another. We’re best friends, adventurers, homesteaders, introverts, and we’re followers of Christ. But, not matter what bucket you try to place us in, you’ll never find that perfect fit. Like everyone reading this, we are unique individuals with dreams and aspirations. And, our biggest aspiration is to always stand strong as a couple.

The Ultimate Homesteading Couple

OK, we definitely haven’t earned this title. Maybe we never will. But, when it comes to Florida homesteaders, we hope to leave a mark. If you’re already following us, you know our journey as a homesteading couple was slow to start. And, we definitely are more silly than we are knowledgeable about homesteading.

And, when push comes to shove, that’s OK. We’re not here to tell anyone “the best way” to do anything on their homestead. But, we are here to share our experience and offer our love and support along the way. Maybe you do things differently. Goats are a prime example, with so many different sources giving conflicting information on what is the “right way.” Yet, each of these conflicting sources seem to have decades of experience and success in raising goats. So, which one is best? To us, it’s the one that best fits our life.

To Many Years of Married Bliss

So, since I’m the one writing this, I’ll just say…my wife is the most amazing woman and I couldn’t ask for a better homesteading partner. As we continue to become more self-sufficient and build up our homestead in Florida, we hope to be better known as that fun-loving homesteading couple. If there’s any way we can help you get started on your journey, drop a comment below and let us know.

For now, let’s just say we’re enjoying life and looking forward to many more anniversaries to come. Until next time, we’ll see you around the homestead.