Known for their delicious milk and compact size, Nigerian dwarf goats were a no-brainer for us as homesteaders. Sure, if we had 10-20 acres, we might consider adding some nubians to the herd, but with 5.5 acres at our disposal, Nigerian dwarf goats just make the most sense. This is why in February 12, 2022 we started our herd out with a goat in milk and her two baby does from Goat House Farm.
Delilah, the Herd Queen

Sassy, hungry, and not afraid to kick around the milking stand, Delilah is not exactly what we would describe as a beginner-friendly goat. But, we couldn’t be happier with her and the milk she is producing. As both of us work to better our milking technique, Delilah is probably the best goat we could ask for as she always keeps us on our toes.
If she could, she would probably eat grain all day until she couldn’t move. But, we are slowly working on weening her back a little so she isn’t so vocal in the morning and evening when she starts asking for her grain rations. And of course, she is picky about her hay too, going straight for the peanut and not a big fan of the standard coastal hay we offer. Regardless, Delilah is our herd queen and we are delighted to have her on the homestead.
You can expect to find a lot of posts her about milking and goat care in the near future (or, if you’re viewing this in the future, they might already be there).

Sweet, loving, and just plain affectionate, Isabella is such a friendly little goat. She loves being held and sitting on our laps. If there’s no human out their to snuggle, she’s also not afraid to run around with her sister. Whether it’s climbing on the big tree branch that crushed our old chicken run or just grazing alongside her mom, we expect to have many fond memories with Isabella.

Last listed here, but certainly not least of our Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Gabriella is an absolute ball of energy. When she isn’t bouncing off the walls, climbing on her big tree branch, or running circles around her sleeping quarters, she will sometimes be found sneaking under the milking stand to get out of the sun. Don’t be afraid to do some yoga around her either, because she’ll happily jump on your back to help enhance the stretch!
Story Time with Victoria
One unique thing we do here on the homestead is Victoria reads to the goats every night. She started with (and is currently reading) Anne of Green Gables. Joseph’s vote is that she moves onto The Hobbit next, but time will tell what great adventures they’ll get read. For now, we’re just learning everything we can about taking care of these beautiful creatures and making sure they can enjoy a long and happy life as productive members of the homestead.