The Secret to Training Livestock Guardian Dogs

Hello and welcome to another week of homesteading goodness with your favorite Silly Couple! Today we’re going to example how we went about training our livestock guardian dog, Jadzia. Let’s start out by making one thing clear: there is no single secret to training livestock guardian dogs. And, we don’t claim to be experts in …

Happy Birthday Jadzia – Our Special Great Pyrenees

OK, we’re a day early. But, who else wants to join us in wishing our livestock guardian dog a happy birthday! Jadzia was born March 10, 2021, which means she turns 1 year old tomorrow. And, as we celebrate this momentous occasion, we can’t help but feel great pride for our great Pyrenees puppy. She’s …

March Homesteading Goals

Another month out of the way too fast. We don’t know about anyone else, but here at the Silly Couple homestead, the month of February went by in a blur. And, as we begin March and reflect on everything that happened in February, we want to really consider our homesteading goals. With that in mind, …

Preparing for Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Less than two weeks away from their arrival, a lot of our focus this week is on preparing for Nigerian dwarf goats. And, as we look forward to welcoming our three goats to the homestead, we can’t help but feel a bit apprehensive? Are we really prepared to take on this new responsibility? Today, we …

September 2021 – Homestead Update

As September comes to an end, we’re happy to see the weather becoming more mild. There were times when things felt less humid up here, but compared to what we’re used to, this was just as hot or hotter during the summer. I guess with how cold it got during the winter we expected it …

August 2021 – Homestead Update

Another month has gone by. And, while we continue to work on supplying the house with all the things we need, we’ve made little progress no the homesteading front. We can’t take all the credit for it this time, as our first piece of news is that we’ve encountered even more flooding! More Flooding Around …