The Homesteading Lifestyle – New Posting Cadence

New Year’s resolutions might not be worth much, but for the Silly Couple in 2022, we’re really hoping to make a resolution that sticks. Living the homesteading lifestyle involves a lot of work, and we want to share our journey. Specifically, we want to make a promise to you. Regardless of how we progress on our goals, we’re going to make an effort to post every week in 2022. Starting this week, you can expect to get a post every single Wednesday.

If we miss a week, or are late, we won’t let that stop us either. The only thing we ask…please bare with us as we get into the groove. We may not post the same time every day yet, but our goal on that front is to get to posting every Wednesday evening around 7pm EST.

What Can You Expect in 2022?

Next week, we’ll post a complete 2022 plan and breakdown. But, for now, here’s a glimpse.

Primarily, what we’re doing is buckling down. We’ve gotten used to the land and we’ve adapted to the country lifestyle (man do we love driving again). So, now we have some big projects to do this year. Without going into too much details, that means vegetables, fruits, bees, and much more. In fact, we’re in active talks with multiple people about getting goats -so tune back in for updates on that (hopefully before the end of January).

Breaking Down the Homesteading Lifestyle

Beyond just posting updates, plans, and progress, one of the big changes we want in 2022 is to share actual strategies behind what we’re doing. For instance, Joseph will be building his own goat milking stand from pallets. Wouldn’t you like us to share how he does that? We’ll also be sharing recipes, gardening updates, and pet updates (for anyone who is interested in better meeting our house cats).

With this all said, we’re super excited for 2022. Our homestead is ready to take off, so make sure to tune back in next week for our full 2022 plan. Until then, we’ll see you around the homstead.