Wildlife Around the Homestead

Welcome to another beautiful day on the homestead! We still don’t have a lot to report in terms of progress here. February is cold -much colder than we are used to growing up in St. Pete! I’m sure northerners reading will think we’re ridiculous for calling the weather her cold, but again…compared to what we’re used to, it’s rough.

Anyways, I want to at least keep up with posting once a month, even if we don’t have a lot of news on gardening/farming/etc. So, with that in mind, here’s a cool post with some local Florida wildlife.

The Birds of Prey

This tree is close to the fenced in area at the back of our house. Seems these birds are a big fan of it.

lots of birds of prey

Deer Around the Property

Since moving, we’ve seen quite a few deer around the property. At times, we’ve even caught sight of a half dozen or more travelling through. They are always a welcome sight.

An Unusual Fox Squirrel

OK, someone will have to tell me if I got this right. And, if I didn’t, it’s Google’s photo search that’s to blame. According to what I’m seeing though, this does appear to be a Fox Squirrel. I’ve never seen or heard of them before moving here, so this was cool to see. I hope we get more unusual creatures going around.

The Injured Vulture Hobbling About

I actually tried to catch this guy to see if I could help, but he wasn’t having it. So, hopefully he gets some rest and recovers to he can return to his job as the local trashman.

And, that’s all I got for today. I will mention that once we do get things up and running our plan is to post at least once a week. For now, we’re just getting more into the groove of things. In 2020 when we started posting videos to YouTube, I think our frequency threw us off more than anything. So, this time we want to take it slow and get things out at our own pace.

Anyways, until next time, stay blessed and healthy. We’ll see you around the homestead!